Why Sensory Play? Why did we create this Table?

✨introducing @playmakerco_ ✨ HOLY COWWW!! Is this happening?! 😆😭 You guys! 2 1/2 years ago i had a very busy baby who had just learned to stand and was about to walk.. she wanted me to hold her ALL of the time and was SO busy. I couldn’t cook or clean or really do anything without her following behind me either crying for me to hold her or getting into everything!😳😆

I wanted a Sensory Table for her but all the ones i could find were too tall, out of stock or way too big for my space.

I ended up DIYing a toddler Sensory Table and Logan looooved it. It lived in my kitchen for well over a year and a half and was played with every single day!

This table was truly a game changer for me. The best part? It also offers so many benefits like sensory stimulation, working on fine and gross motor skilks, problem solving and so much more!

Sensory play leads to stronger memory skills and builds a foundation for complicated learning tasks in the future, including language skills and problem-solving. They also begin to see connections between the materials like sticky, smelly, cold or smooth. 

During sensory play, kids regularly find themselves in interesting, new situations leading them to have to adapt. These experiences help them gain confidence and make them even better able to adapt when the next new situation appears. 

Sensory Play has so many benefits and I KNEW other moms needed this table!! SOOOOO…. I created my own! But this one is 10000x better!🙌🏼


This table is the perfect size for any baby learning to stand all the way up to 3/4 year olds! We made it out of a beautiful natural wood with rounded corners for safety and it’s insanely easy to assemble! Plus it comes with the bin + a lid!


😭😭 I’m in tears. This has been a long time coming and i can’t believe it’s finally here! I’m extremely passionate about this!! YOU NEED ONE! Trust me!


Follow @playmakerco_ for more updates, info on how to shop and activity ideas!! ✨


Thank you so much in advance for the support… I’m literally nursing my baby as i post this.. I’m just a young mom that found something that really helped me entertain my toddler and i wanted to share that with everyone! 🤟🏼🤟🏼